Rich Picture

When asked to create a rich picture to illustrate my creative process, I went straight to one of my favourite things to draw. I've been drawing robots for years now and I felt they would be a good way to sum up my process. In terms of idea generation, I usually starting a project quite overwhelming as I have so many ideas it's hard to figure out which ones to pursue. These could be ideas about different processes I'd like to try, possible themes to incorporate, thinking about any primary research I might already have that could help with the initial stages and any artists that might work on similar projects. 

All this considered, I made this illustration to show the importance of all these ideas. It shows a robot surrounded by ideas, almost overcome by the thought of a new project. The ideas are seen as crumpled up pieces of paper on the floor, with the bin overflowing and mechanical elements enclosing the character, it shows not only the physical strain but also the emotional stress of feeling like everything is so messy. This is something I struggle with; figuring out how to untangle all these ideas while utilising elements from each to figure out a clear path. Although this can take some time, I always refer back to earlier concepts as they are usually the most creative- without any limits. By going back and focusing on one theme, I can then start a mind map to categorise primary/secondary research, artists to research, processes and any ideas to link to the original concept. 


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